1 in 4 People Suffer From Mental Health
It could effect our loved ones or friends
It is important to know the common mental health symptoms so you are able to seek advice or help your loved ones early.

Common Mental Health Symptoms We Treat
A better understanding
Mood Disorders
Mood disorders have varying degrees of severity and can be difficult to diagnose however they are the most frequently diagnosed mental disorders. In addition to bipolar disorder, mood disorders include major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder. Major depression is a debilitating illness that usually reoccurs throughout a person’s lifetime. Symptoms include fatigue, lack of focus, changes in appetite and thoughts of suicide. People with dysthymia have symptoms that are less severe but longer-lasting — for periods of at least two years.
Personality Disorder
Common disorders include antisocial personality disorder, avoidant personality disorder and borderline personality disorder.
A person with a personality disorder has trouble perceiving and relating to situations and people. This causes significant problems and limitations in relationships, social activities, work and school.
In some cases, you may not realize that you have a personality disorder because your way of thinking and behaving seems natural to you and you may blame others for the challenges you face.
Personality disorders usually begin in the teenage years or early adulthood. There are many types of personality disorders. Some types may become less obvious throughout middle age.
Substance Use Disorder
Mental health disorders and substance use disorders can co-occur, making treatment for both disorders necessary. More than one in four adults with a serious mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and personality disorders, also have a substance use disorder. Individuals with a dual diagnosis, must receive treatment for both issues.
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health condition in the UK and women are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety disorders as men. It is estimated that 8 million adults have an anxiety disorder in the UK. We all have anxiety at some point in our lives, but when feelings of intense fear and distress limit daily functioning, an anxiety disorder may be present.
Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that can cause people to have delusions, hallucinate or show no emotion at all. Individuals with schizophrenia can have difficulty thinking clearly, managing emotions, making decisions, and relating to others. Although the disorder can occur at any age, the average onset tends to be in the late teens and early 20’s for men and late 20’s to early 30’s for women.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): OCD is characterized by repetitive, unwanted, obsessions and irrational, excessive urges of certain actions. Individuals with OCD will often see symptoms in childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood. Typically, symptoms will last more than an hour each day and will interfere with daily functioning.
Eating Disorder
Bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder are marked by extreme behaviors, which usually are rooted in complex biological and psychological causes, including depression and anxiety.
Anxiety disorder also comes in the form of phobias. Social anxiety disorder, or social phobia, occurs when everyday situations cause someone to become self-conscious and anxious. They spend days and weeks worrying about a single situation. As with panic disorder, social anxiety can lead to agoraphobia, sometimes causing the sufferers to become so overwhelmed with fear that they avoid activities or even leaving their home